Posted by Kurt Welch on Saturday, March 28, 2009,
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Here are few pics from the Fargo Flood. I wasn't just a gawker, I did do some time sandbagging and grunt work to help out the good citizens of Fargo. When volunteer efforts sort of shut down on Friday at around six, I was able to go around and take a few photos with my Blackberry (thanks IT dept.)
Posted by Kurt Welch on Thursday, March 26, 2009,
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I just wanted to pass along the word that synthasite has changed their name to Yola. Just a simple name change from what I understand, but I for one like it. Just a heads up for anyone who uses, or wants to use this incredibly cool site for creating their own website, blog, etc. Continue reading ...
Posted by Kurt Welch on Wednesday, March 25, 2009,
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While I feel sorry for the original owner of this ShoreMaster Poly Dock, I'm even more sorry that I wasn't one of the people riding it down the rapids.
Posted by Kurt Welch on Monday, March 23, 2009,
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We all need more time. More time for work, more time for play, more time with our friends and more time by ourselves. What would we do if we found a 25th hour in the day? I think we'd ask for a 26th. The best we can do is try to work smarter and be more effecient. That is the goal here. I'd like for you to be able to subscribe to this blog and keep track of what's new and happening at ShoreMaster. Hopefully this can be one more tool that will enable you to have more time and be more informed.... Continue reading ...